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The Ultimate Red Pill That Any Trump Fan Need To See
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Published 3 years ago
The ultimate red pill that any Trump fan needs to see

This video exposes the Zionists.
The US government is run in accordance to the Hegelian Dialectic with the two main political parties acting as fake opposing foils, when, in actuality, they both works for the same Zionists/global elitist masters. In accordance to the Hegelian Dialectic they create problems, provide reactions and then provide the solutions to the problems they themselves created. Hence the reason for the massive divisiveness and false flags occurring now. To see the larger picture, one must realize that the rights of Americans are being quickly removed through this dialectic, see who the wars are really for, and who benefits? The time to wake up to this harsh reality is now, as the censorship measures they are enacting via their false flag agenda are increasing more and more. They are not far from the point where soon they will be arresting American citizens who expose their murderous crimes.
red pillultimate

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